Espinosa's Perfect Algorithm

Freedom to know truth
Contact the Author
From the Mouth of the Creator
Apotheosis of Washington Coordination Key
Foundation to Cain and Able
Face of Christ
Dream Stele Coordination


Will mankind listen to those who are gifted regarding its future?


Aside from this authors study in comparative religions. He has been given an extremely valuable gift.
To some intuition is knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; as immediate cognition. Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty can be called perceptive insight.

Here you will see, just how one person can utilize such intuition.

*From the only person on earth to have had three seperate warning visions regarding Sept 11, 2001. The first was through a dream in 1993 shared with former wife. The second May 13, 1999 given to authorities, which gave location and city. On Sept 1-01 10 days before 9-11, during a recorded debate with dispatch about dialing 911 instead of 915, the third vision took place, recorded was my exact description of how many bombers there would be commiting the crime, and that thousands would be killed. It had to be stopped. But NOBODY LISTENED!

May 13 1999 Kermit Texas

Gabriel Espinosa had the local police department of Kermit, Texas May 13, 1999, pick up copy of a letter shown below as an effort to bring about attention to what I knew to be true. From described two white men coming to my office, where I was owner of a Motel. It was made known that they had chosen my work, due its clear picture it presents regarding comparative religions and fraud against the global public. Specifically it mentions Governor Bush, who at that time had recieved and knew about the truth of Mr. Espinosa's work. The letter is a result of what they wanted to convey about who knows what, and why.

Which ultimately took place at the exact location described in the letter just under 2 1/2 years later.

The reference to the Exploding ring in fact is a description of the tool which would be used as Detonation charges to bring down the Two Towers.
The hearts of cities of Ecliptic tips, is referenced to the Chrysler buildings use, understood in all other cities, which is obviously gleaned knowledge out of antiquity, modernly now shown by Espinosa's Perfect Algorithm example.
The Evil twin, is religious and commercial control in the global arena. It's obvious after knowledge of the Algorithm source, religious manipulation in the design of the gods is a business orchestrating salvation, and its direct involvement in the towers destruction from within. It was an inside job!
With purpose of galvanizing military need, and unification of the masses, under religious purpose. Thus the Osama Bin Laden orchestration and so on.

If Mankind doesn't care to the facts the Creator is revealing, then it shall pass that the planet will be destroyed.

Copyright 2010 by Gabriel F. Espinosa, all rights reserved.