Espinosa's Perfect Algorithm

Freedom to know truth
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From the Mouth of the Creator
Apotheosis of Washington Coordination Key
Foundation to Cain and Able
Face of Christ
Dream Stele Coordination
Freedom to know truth


On April 21, 2002, a rare but recorded phenomena took place. One which is considered the antient of ancient ones. It's essence was know before the founding of Rome, the gods were 'numina', divine manifestations, faceless, formless, but no less powerful. The idea of gods as anthropomorphized beings came later, with the influence from Etruscans and Greeks, which had human form. Some of the Roman Gods are at least as old as the founding of Rome.

Wisdom from the Limitless Light resulted in the perfect algorithm's knowledge in antiquity, which today reveals germ ideas as gleaned in antiquity.

The Algorithm itself, represents an accumilation of events. From inspired development, and by actual φαινόμενoν, pl. φαινόμενα - phenomena observance and calculation.  The phenomena, as the event had taken place in antiquity, understood as that "pleroma" of the ancient world, and now in modern day by Espinosa's Record.  This is For Real!

 It's revealings are related to the development of Moses, or how Abraham became personified. Discover how the Birth site of Jesus Christ proves that ancient minds did coordinate their developments by that algorithm's number of 666. The Great Pyramid, The sphinx, The Dream Stele between its paws all coordinate to that same number as does the Kaaba, the Sacrifice, Religions and all their Gods, and all the Christs.


Then I stood in the midst of the coming!
                             Gabriel F. Espinosa

"...but they are letters of the truth which they alone speak who know them. Each letter is a complete <thought> like a complete book, since they are letters written by the Unity, the Creator having written them for the aeons in order that by means of his letters they should know the Creator." 
                                              Nag Hammadi` Library ~The Gospel of Truth (1,3 and XII, 2)

Espinosa's Perfect Algorithm Face
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end, the Totality

He said to them,
"You read the face of the sky and of the earth, but you have not recognized the one who is before you, and you do not know how to read this moment."

... and in righteousness 
                                                        He judges and wages war.
                                                                                                         Revelation 19:11

In short, the Logos recieved the vision of all things, those which pre-exist and those which are now and those which will be, since he has been entrusted with the organization of all that which exists.

Short Videos Links Below

666 and the Last Supper

666 Clarified by Freedom

ICON - By Jose Escamilla

It is absurd to name Jesus Christ, and to Judaize. For the Christian Religion did not embrace the Jewish, but the Jewish the Christian; that so every tongue that believed might be gathered unto God.(Hebrew God, outside of original intent and purpose of the Creator)            The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians

Search within this site to see many likenesses as from
the Perfect Algorithm!
You will see how civilizations throughout the entirety
of this planet, have used this likeness.
Some to better their world, giving truth as an original source,
as what original intents attempted by their efforts,
seen today in personified remnants designed purely to deceive.

The mythos having been at last published as human history, everything else was suppressed or forced to support the fraud." It is well known that Christianities religous fathers were notorious forgers: even the Catholics admit that. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia,
"In all these departments forgery and interpolation as well as
ignorance had wrought mischief on a grand scale,"

Indeed Pope Stephen II went so far as to write a letter
and sign St. Peter's name to it!
When we know that Peter never existed these deceptions take on a new meaning; they give the key to the Church's entire history, motive and purpose --domination, wealth, and power. To this end all else was done, including fakeries, forgeries, and the burning of books.
In spite of all this we are told the founders of our faiths
                                                                                          were good men?

Global Humanitarian Foundation Link
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Coronation Spot

The beast is that mechanism of lies toward destruction of our childrens minds.
Are we to stand idle as they cry, becoming witnesses of the terror it reaps?


We both know that law enforcement officials can investigate "fraud" without passing new laws against specific activities like reading Tarot cards.  In fact back in l944 the Supreme Court allowed the Postal Service to investigate something called the "I Am" movement that was soliciting funds through the mail.  The Court noted, quite sensibly, that if a "religion" was actually set up to bilk people, it had no absolute First Amendment protection.  In other words, you can accept money for beliefs that are new, or sound strange to others, but you better believe them yourself.  What motivated Constantine and "church fathers, was control and the bilking of the people on a permenant basis, guised as the church, Thus its wealth and  power" (Foundation of Deceit!)

Copyright 2010 by Gabriel F. Espinosa, all rights reserved.