Espinosa's Perfect Algorithm

Freedom to know truth
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From the Mouth of the Creator
Apotheosis of Washington Coordination Key
Foundation to Cain and Able
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Dream Stele Coordination
From the Mouth of the Creator


As inspired through the hand of Gabriel

Oh, people of the earth, comfort one another with truth.
No Nation or peoples from the entire surface of earth need warfare.
The cause of such destruction is interwoven within all nations.
I Call out the foundations of all peoples, including Jersusalem.
To remove the iniquity from earth, all must understand that in the antiquities of antiquities of earth a communication of instruction was given, its truths have been overtaken by religious design and purpose of old.
Its original purpose had been to make known how creation by my hand has unfolded.
The cubital valley of its knowledge is raised to the understanding of process to planetary development. Equally the result as earth as that mountain, can be made low by original source. That rough ground of knowledge becomes a plain, just as the rugged terrain of cubits become a broad valley.
The world is Jerusalem and is also the throne of iniquity, which can become a bearer of good news, once it is revealed that her design was inspired and developed from my word.

And that Creation as a result, is directly connected to that knowledge, making every mountain and hill low and a result of that knowledge.
Ancient peoples argued over the issue of numbers as defined by that knowledge.
The emanation of knowledge, became the glory of the gods as understood by all flesh, becoming the word to each's own design.
The truths I have given through my people became lies! 
Thus I say, to all Nations and peoples of the earth.  
"The former things are now coming to pass, as I declare them to you through Gabriel. (ref Daniel 8:16)
Soon all flesh shall see my reality. I am Light, I am Life.

Copyright 2009 by Gabriel F. Espinosa, All rights reserved.